Aave Mkr

Aave Mkr amkr

Aave Mkr Price in USD



1.647 ETH

0.069 BTC

Price Change



Aave Mkr Price Statistics

Current Price


Market Volume


Fully Diluted MarketCap


Total Volume


Total Supply


Circulating Supply


Price Change 24h


Market Cap Change 24h


All Time Low


AMKR Price Live Data

Aave Mkr price today is USD 3,732.04 and the trading volume in 24 hour is USD 0. Price change in the AMKR price in the last 24 hour is -129.308 . It has a circulating supply of 0 coins and a total supply of 2,254.933. Total market cap of the AMKR is USD 0 which has the movement of 0 in the last 24 hours


The current price of Aave Mkr is USD 3,732.04.

Highest and lowest price of Aave Mkr is USD 3,962.18 and USD 3,621.61 respectively.

The total supply of Aave Mkr is 2,254.933 and circulating supply of Aave Mkr is 0

The trading volume of Aave Mkr is 0 in the last 24 hours.